афтондан: to drop, to make fall
Нонро партофтан ва ё ба замин афтондан мумкин нест.
To throw bread or to drop it on the ground is not allowed.
Дар Тоҷикистон бисёр дарахтҳои кӯҳна афтонданд.
In Tajikistan they have felled a lot of old trees.
To throw bread or to drop it on the ground is not allowed.
Дар Тоҷикистон бисёр дарахтҳои кӯҳна афтонданд.
In Tajikistan they have felled a lot of old trees.
Some Tajik verbs can be made into causative verbs by inserting он in the verb.
афтидан: to fall
афтондан: to drop, to make fall
More examples –
фаҳмидан: to understand
фаҳмондан: to explain (to make someone understand)
кӯчидан: to move
кӯчондан: to make someone move, to evict
хандидан: to laugh
хандондан: to make somebody laugh
тарсидан: to be scared
тарсондан: to scare (someone else)
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