ба назар

ба назар: in (one’s) view, in (one’s) opinion

Ба назари шумо, кадомаш дурусттар аст?
In your view, which is more correct?
Ба назарам, зимистони имсола чандон хунук нашуд.
In my opinion, this year’s winter was not very cold.

Synonyms: ба фикр

As you can see in the sentences, you can combine ба назар with the personal pronoun or the personal pronoun suffix.
ба назарам, ба назари ман: in my view, in my opinion
ба назаратон, ба назари шумо: in your view, in your opinion
ба назарамон, ба назари мо: in our view, in our opinion

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