ба фикри: according to
Ба фикри падарам имсол ҳавои тирамоҳ мисли тобистон гарм мешавад.
According to my father, this year the autumn weather will be hot like summer.
Ба фикри шумо ӯ дар куҷо аст?
Where do you think he is?
According to my father, this year the autumn weather will be hot like summer.
Ба фикри шумо ӯ дар куҷо аст?
Where do you think he is?
Synonym: ба хаёли
фикр: thought, idea
фикр кардан: to think
ба фикри ман: according to me, in my opinion, I think that…
ба фикри вай: according to him, in his opinion, he thinks that…