
бой: abundant, bountiful

Олами ҳайвоноти ҷангалҳои Амрикои Ҷанубӣ бою гуногун аст.
The animal life in the jungles of South America is bountiful and varied.
Обҳои Антарктида аз плактон бойанд, ки барои кит манбаи хӯрок мебошанд.
The waters of the Antarctic are abundant with plankton, which are a source of food for the whale.

олами ҳайвонот: animal kingdom

When the word бой is connected to у (and), the letter й is dropped. This is the same with all words ending with ой.
лой: mud
лою об: mud and water
чой: tea
чою нон: tea and bread
пой: foot
пою даст: foot and hand

Just as in English, the word бой, often translated as “rich”, has many meanings. It can mean “wealthy”, “diverse”, “vibrant”.
одами бой: rich (wealthy) person
Театри халқии тоҷик таърихи бою рангин дорад.The Tajik national theatre has a rich (vibrant) and colourful history.

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