
гандум: wheat

Гандум қариб дар ҳамаи мамлакатҳои дунё парвариш карда мешавад.
Wheat is grown in almost all countries in the world.
Киштзори гандум дар ҷануби шарқии Австралия воқеъ аст.
Wheat fields are located in the south east of Australia.

гандуми баҳорӣ: spring wheat
гандуми тирамоҳӣ: fall wheat
гандумфурӯш: wheat seller

If you want to use wheat as an adjective, you have to add the suffix ӣ.
нони гандумӣ: wheat bread

Сумалак is a Tajik dish made from wheat. It is usually prepared for the Navruz holiday. You can read about сумалак on Wikipedia – Сумалак

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