деҳа: village
Мо имрӯз ба деҳа рафтанием.
We intend to go to the village today.
Роҳи деҳаи Самадободро таъмир карданд.
They repaired the village of Samadobod’s road.
We intend to go to the village today.
Роҳи деҳаи Самадободро таъмир карданд.
They repaired the village of Samadobod’s road.
Synonyms: деҳ, қишлоқ, русто
деҳанишин: one who lives in a village, village dweller
деҳагӣ: of the village, village (adj.); for example хонаи деҳагӣ ( village home)
Wikipedia has a short description of a деҳа: Деҳа
Is the form ‘рафтанием’ regular? I cannot find it either in a wiktionary conjugation table or in my grammar book 🙁
I couldn’t find much on the internet either. In Michael Hillmann’s Tajiki Textbook and Reader he calls the tense замони ояндаи хоҳишу ният. I found an interesting document called Роҳнамои Фанни Забони Тоҷикӣ барои Синфи 11 (Guidelines for teaching Tajik in Grade 11), which calls the form феъли хоҳишмандӣ (p. 8-9). Here are some helps from that document.
Ман рафтани-ям, ту рафтани-ӣ, вай рафтанӣ аст (рафтанист); мо рафтани-ем, шумо рафтани-ед (рафтаниетон), онҳо рафтани-янд
(рафтаниям is also sometimes written рафтаниам)
Also can be used in the past tense:
рафтанӣ будам, рафтанӣ будӣ, рафтанӣ буд; рафтанӣ будем, рафтанӣ будед (будетон), рафтанӣ буданд
Sometimes in colloquial speech the ending is left off.
Ба хонаамон хостгор омадааст. Падару модарам маро ба онҳо доданӣ. (A wedding matchmaker came to our house. My father and mother intend to (want to) give me to them.
Here are a couple of examples from Забони Тоҷикӣ (by С. Арзуманов).
Ман ба Москва рафтаниам. (I intend to go to Moscow.)
Ман ба Москва рафтанӣ будам, аммо рафта натавонистам. (I intended to go to Moscow, but I couldn’t go. or I wanted to go to Moscow…)
Thank you so much! Now it’s a bit clearer to me.