ирсӣ: hereditary
Гурӯҳи хуне, ки ирсӣ мебошад, аз падару модар ба фарзандон мегузарад.
Blood type, which is hereditary, is passed from father and mother to children.
Барои пешгирии бемориҳои ирсӣ ва маъюбияти кӯдак бояд аз никоҳи хешутаборӣ худдорӣ намуд.
For the prevention of hereditary diseases and disabilities in children one must refrain from marriage with a close relative.
Blood type, which is hereditary, is passed from father and mother to children.
Барои пешгирии бемориҳои ирсӣ ва маъюбияти кӯдак бояд аз никоҳи хешутаборӣ худдорӣ намуд.
For the prevention of hereditary diseases and disabilities in children one must refrain from marriage with a close relative.
Synonyms: меросӣ
Synonyms: меросӣ