истиқлолият: independence
Шуморо бо Рӯзи Истиқлолият самимона шодбош мегӯям.
I sincerely congratulate you on Independence Day.
9 сентябри соли 1991 Тоҷикистон аз собиқ СССР истиқлолияти худро ба даст овард.
On 9th September 1991 Tajikistan gained its independence from the former USSR.
I sincerely congratulate you on Independence Day.
9 сентябри соли 1991 Тоҷикистон аз собиқ СССР истиқлолияти худро ба даст овард.
On 9th September 1991 Tajikistan gained its independence from the former USSR.
Notice the same three root consonants (с,т,қ) in this related word –
мустақил: independent, autonomous
Notice the same three root consonants (с,т,қ) in this related word –
мустақил: independent, autonomous