
кабк: partridge

Фақат қаҳ-қаҳи кабкон ва шар-шари оби чашма ба гӯш мерасад.
Only the chirp-chirp of partridges and the gurgle of the spring water is heard (reaches the ear).
Кабк қариб дар ҳамаи кӯҳҳои Тоҷикистон вомехӯрад.
One can come across a partridge in almost all the mountains of Tajikistan.

If you have a better translation for the sounds that partridges and waterfalls make, please make a note in the comments and I may change it.
In Tajik there are a lot of great words for sounds of things. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word from a sound. In Tajik those are called калимаҳои тақлидӣ. The word тақлид means imitation or mimicry. Here are a few examples. This would be a fun thing to have a conversation about, so if you know of others please write them in the comments.
шибир-шибири борон: the drip-drop of rain
чир-чири малах: chirping of locusts
пичир-пичир: whispering
гулдур-гулдури раъду барқ: the roll of thunder
тақар-туқур: crashing and banging
ак-аки саг: the barking of a dog

2 thoughts on “кабк”

    1. My previous comment was a reply to this:

      >> This would be a fun thing to have a conversation about, so if you know of others please write them in the comments.

      Also, I’d always known the sound of a dog as “аф-аф”, as in:

      аф-аф кардан

      “ҷакидан” also means “to bark”.

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