
каб-кабуд: bright blue

Хоҳарам мӯйи дароз ва чашмони каб-кабуд дорад.
My sister has long hair and bright blue eyes.
Самад аз хунукӣ меларзид ва лабонаш каб-кабуд буданд.
Samad was shivering from the cold and his lips were bright blue.

You can also translate this as “very blue” or “deep blue”.

кабуд: blue

In Tajik when you repeat a word, or a part of a word, it accentuates the meaning of the word. Here are some more examples –
сап-сафед: very white, bright white
сип-сиёҳ: very black, the blackest black
суп-сурх: very red, bright red
заб-зард: very yellow, bright yellow
каппа-калон: very big
тип-торик: very dark
наппа-нав: brand new

Do you have another example? Leave it in the comments.

In Tajik, the plural ending for inanimate (non-living) nouns is ҳо, but there are exceptions. The plural ending for animate (living) nouns is он, and body parts that occur in pairs can also take that ending, as shown in the two example sentences.
чашмон: eyes
лабон: lips

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