маъмурӣ: administrative
Хонаҳои серошёна, толорҳо, театрҳо, биноҳои маъмуриву фарҳангӣ ҳамон солҳо сохта шудаанд.
Multi-storey homes, halls, theatres, and administrative and cultural buildings were built during those years.
Шаҳр дорои чор ноҳияи маъмурӣ: Шоҳмансур, Исмоили Сомонӣ, Фирдавсӣ ва Сино мебошад.
The city has four administrative districts: Shohmansur, Ismail Somoni, Firdavsi and Sino.
Multi-storey homes, halls, theatres, and administrative and cultural buildings were built during those years.
Шаҳр дорои чор ноҳияи маъмурӣ: Шоҳмансур, Исмоили Сомонӣ, Фирдавсӣ ва Сино мебошад.
The city has four administrative districts: Shohmansur, Ismail Somoni, Firdavsi and Sino.
Adding the letter ӣ to a noun can change it into an adjective.
маъмур: administrator
маъмурӣ: administrative
бинои маъмурӣ: administrative building
маркази маъмурӣ: administrative centre
шӯъбаи маъмурӣ: administrative department
корҳои маъмурӣ: administrative work, administrative jobs