муҳаббат: love
Муҳаббат пурсабр ва меҳрубон аст.
Love is patient and kind.
Ҳасан аробакаш мебошад ва ба аспу аробаи худ муҳаббати бепоён дорад.
Hassan is a cart-puller and he has a deep love for his horse and cart.
Love is patient and kind.
Ҳасан аробакаш мебошад ва ба аспу аробаи худ муҳаббати бепоён дорад.
Hassan is a cart-puller and he has a deep love for his horse and cart.
Synonyms: ишқ, дӯстдорӣ
муҳаббатомез, муҳаббатнок: lovingly, affectionately
аробакаш – somebody who makes a living carting things for people. Sometimes the cart is pulled by hand (as you can see at most markets) and sometimes by a horse.
бепоён could also be translated as bottomless or endless.