
пуртаҷриба: experienced

Боғбонҳои пуртаҷриба ниҳолҳоро парвариш мекунанд.
Experienced gardeners grow (tend to) the seedlings.
Ба назари ман, Дилшод Назаров варзишгари хеле пуртаҷриба аст.
In my opinion, Dilshod Nazarov is a very experienced sportsman.

пур (full) + таҷриба (experience) = пуртаҷриба (experienced, full of experience)
Пуртаҷриба can also be translated “talented”, which is possibly a better translation for the second sentence.
Dilshod Nazarov is a talented Tajik athlete who won the first ever Olympic medal for Tajikistan in 2016, competing in the hammer throw.
Пур is a very useful prefix to add to nouns to make adjectives. Here are more examples:
пурзаҳр: very poisonous (заҳр: poison)
пургап: talkative (гап: speech, talk)
пурнамак: salty (намак: salt)
пурсабр: very patient (сабр: patience)

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