
сеяк: third

Одам сеяки умрашро дар хоб мегузаронад.
Man spends a third of his life asleep.
Уқёнуси Ором сеяки сатҳи Замин ишғол мекунад.
The Pacific Ocean occupies one third of the surface of Earth.

To say fractions –
аз + denominator + numerator
for example,
2/5, two fifths: аз панҷ ду
3/5, three fifths: аз панҷ се

When the numerator is 1 then the word аз is dropped and the denominator and numerator (1) are joined in one word, for example,
1/3, one third: сеяк
1/4, one quarter: чоряк
1/6, one sixth: шашяк
1/10, one tenth: даҳяк
1/100, one one-hundredth: садяк

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