
сурх: red

Нилуфар дуто себи сурх канда, якто ба ман доду яктоашро худаш гирифт.
Nilufar picked two red apples; she gave one to me and took one for herself.
Шомгоҳон шумо мегӯед: “Ҳаво хуб мешавад, чунки осмон сурх аст”.
In the evening you say, “The weather will be good, because the sky is red”.

сур-сурх: bright red

ҳуҷайраҳои сурхи хун: red blood cells
қаламфури сурх: red pepper
сурх кардан: to brown, (as when frying meat or baking bread)
сурх шудан: to turn red, to be embarrassed: to turn brown (when cooking)

You can see more colour words here: Word of the Day, tag: colour

You can learn more colour words at Decks (formerly Memrise) here: Tajik Colours. The site is free to use, but you have to sign in.

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