
тирамоҳ: autumn, fall

Тирамоҳ баъд аз фасли тобистон ва пеш аз фасли зимистон меояд.
Autumn comes after (the season of) summer and before (the season of) winter.
Кӯҳистони водии Зарафшон дар фасли тирамоҳ бисёр зебо мешавад.
The mountains of the Zarafshon valley are very beautiful in the fall.

You can practice vocabulary about months and seasons at Memrise: Tajik Months and Seasons.
To make this word into an adjective add the suffix -ӣ.
себи тирамоҳӣ: autumn apple
меваҳои тирамоҳӣ: fall fruits

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