хирси сафед

хирси сафед: polar bear

Дар зимистон хирси сафед то ҳаштод шабонарӯз хоб мекунад, дар ҳолати ҳомиладор буданаш.
In the winter polar bears sleep up to eighty days when they are pregnant.
Хирси сафед ва рӯбоҳи қутбӣ дар Арктика дидан мумкин аст.
It is possible to see polar bears and polar foxes in the Arctic.

хирс: bear
сафед: white
қутб: pole (North or South pole)
қутбӣ: polar

The literal translate of хирси сафед is white bear. You can find instances on the internet where polar bears are called хирси қутбӣ (қутбӣ: polar), but this not as common as хирси сафед. In English, polar foxes are also called Arctic foxes.

The second sentence for today comes from the grade 6 Geography textbook. The first sentence comes from Tiroz website. You can read the whole (very short) article here: Маълумот дар бораи хирси сафед

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