
хӯрок: food

Хӯроки ту пухтагӣ бомазза буд.
The food that you cooked was delicious.
Касе ки ду курта дорад, ба касе ки надорад, диҳад; ва касе ки хӯрок дорад, низ чунин амал кунад.
A person who has two shirts should give to the person who doesn’t have one; and the person who has food should do the same.

Synonym: таом

хӯроки саҳарӣ: morning meal
хӯроки шом: evening meal

хӯрокворӣ: foodstuffs, groceries
хӯрок додан: to give food
хӯрок хӯрдан: to eat a meal, to eat food
хӯрокпазӣ: cooking food
хӯрокхӯрӣ: eating food
хӯрокдиҳӣ: giving food

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