ҷуз: except
Пайғамбар беқадр нест, ҷуз дар шаҳри худ ва дар хонаи худ.
A prophet is not without honour, except in his own town and his own home.
Сарватдор гӯсфандон ва говони бисёр дошт, вале камбағал чизе ҷуз як меши майдаяк надошт
The rich man had lots of sheep and cows, but the poor man had nothing except one small ewe lamb.
A prophet is not without honour, except in his own town and his own home.
Сарватдор гӯсфандон ва говони бисёр дошт, вале камбағал чизе ҷуз як меши майдаяк надошт
The rich man had lots of sheep and cows, but the poor man had nothing except one small ewe lamb.
Synonym: ғайр аз