
баъзан: sometimes

Баъзан биҳӣ дар таомҳо низ истифода менамоянд.
Sometimes quince is also used in meals.
Асосгузори зоология, ки ӯро баъзан падари фанни зоология ҳам меноманд, олими бузурги Юнони қадим Арасту (Аристотел) аст.
The founder of zoology, who is also sometimes called the father of the field of zoology, is the great ancient Greek scholar Aristotle.

Synonym: гоҳ-гоҳ
In Tajik it is less common to use the passive voice and more common to use the third person plural, as both of these sentences show. These sentences could also be translated, “They sometimes use quince in making meals.” and “The founder of zoology, who they also sometimes call the father of the field of zoology, is the great ancient Greek scholar Aristotle.”
You can learn more about the passive tense by reading these previous posts: Passive tense, Word of the Day

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