
омадан: to come

Мо аз Панҷакент дирӯз омадем.
We came from Panjakent yesterday.
Онҳо бевақт меоянд.
They will come late.
Баъди як соат биё.
Come after one hour.
Меҳмонон аллакай омада буданд.
The guests had already arrived.
Модари шумо имрӯз меомадагист.
Your mother might come today.

For beginners here are two sets of easy worksheets to learn about verbs and verb conjugation: Learn and Practice Past Tense, Learn and Practice Future Tense.

2 thoughts on “омадан”

  1. I’ve never seen (i’m just beginner) construction in the last sentence, marking possibility with -ги- added in the middle of verb form. Is it regular? Is it specific for tajiki or does it happen in farsi/dari as well?

    1. In Tajik this form is called шаклҳои сиғаи эҳтимолӣ. In English it is called the subjunctive mood or the conjectural mood. It is used to express probability or doubt. It is conjugated like this:
      меомадагистам – I might come
      меомадагистӣ – You might come
      меомадагист – He/she might come
      меомадагистем – We might come
      меомадагистед – You might come
      меомадагистанд – They might come

      You can also remove the prefix ме- in which case it would be:
      омадагистам – I might have come; perhaps I would have come
      омадагистӣ – You might have come; perhaps you would have come ….etc.

      As for if this form is used in Farsi and Dari, I don’t know that answer to that. Another way to express possibility, though, is to use the word шояд (possibly, maybe), and they do use that in Farsi.

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