Word A Day


фаҳмидан: to understand

Шумо ҳеҷ чизро намефаҳмед!
You don’t understand anything!
Агар бештар хонед, бештар мефаҳмед.
If you read more, you will understand more.

Note – хондан can also mean to study, so you could also translate the second sentence as “If you study more, you will understand more”.
Words related to фаҳмидан:
фаҳмиш: understanding, intelligence (noun)
фаҳмо: understandable, clear (adj.)

паланги барфӣ

паланги барфӣ: snow leopard

Сокинон гуфтанд, ки дар ним соли гузашта паланги барфӣ беш аз 70 бузу гӯсфандро куштааст.
Residents said that in the past half year the snow leopard has killed more than 70 goats and sheep.
Вале мардум медонанд, ки паланги барфӣ ҷонвари нодир аст ва аз ҳамин хотир кӯшиш мекунанд, ки ба он зарар нарасонанд.
But people know that the snow leopard is a rare creature and therefore they try not to harm it.

Adding the suffix ӣ to a noun changes it to an adjective.
барф: snow (noun)
барфӣ: snow, snowy, of snow (adjective)
These sentences were taken from an article on the Ozodi website. Here is the link if you would like to read the whole thing: Сокинони Бартанг паланги барфиро озод карданд.


меҳрубон: kind

Модарам бисёр зани меҳрубон ва дилсӯз буд.
My mother was a very kind and compassionate woman.
Муҳаббат пурсабр ва меҳрубон аст.
Love is patient and kind.

Describing things and people well is an advanced level skill. We need to get past the point of describing everything good as simply “нағз”. Making an effort to learn more adjectives is well worth it. Instead of describing your mother as a good woman, how would you describe her? Loving, gracious, compassionate, full of energy, welcoming, hot-tempered, strict? Ask your local friends to tell you the difference between a good teacher and a bad teacher, or between a good friend and a bad friend. That is a great way to learn more adjectives.
Here is a worksheet (pdf) that is designed for beginning or intermediate learners, but might also have some value for more advanced learners: Adjectives.


калонтар: bigger

Ин боғ аз он боғ калонтар аст.
This garden is bigger than that garden.
Салим нисбат ба Раҳим калонтар аст.
Salim compared to Rahim is bigger.

калон: big
калонтар: bigger
калонтарин: biggest

For an intermediate lesson on comparatives and superlatives download this pdf: Comparatives and Superlatives.


арзиш: cost, price

Дар бозорҳои шаҳри Душанбе имсол арзиши маҳсулоти хӯрокворӣ боло рафт.
In the markets of (the city of) Dushanbe this year the cost of food products went up.
Арзиши сомон нисбат ба дулор арзон шуд.
The price of the somoni to the dollar went down (got cheaper).

synonym: нарх
Using a quick google search shows that нарх is a much more common word than арзиш.
Other words related to this one:
арзишманд: valuable
арзидан: to cost


маҳсулот: produce

Ин завод чӣ гуна маҳсулот мебарояд?
What kind of produce does this factory produce?
Мо маҳсулотро аз Чин, Эрон, Туркия ва Самарқанд меорем.
We bring produce from China, Iran, Turkey and Samarkand.

Clues that this is an Arabic loan word: it starts with ма, it ends with от, and the three root consonants (ҳ с л) can be used to make another word with a similar meaning.
ҳосил – harvest, yield, product


миллӣ: national

Ман таомҳои миллиро дӯст медорам.
I love the national food.
27 июн дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон «Рӯзи Ваҳдати миллӣ» ҷашн гирифта мешавад.
On the 27th of June in the Republic of Tajikistan The Day of National Unity will be celebrated.

суруди миллӣ: national anthem

When you add “ро” or “и” or anything else to a word ending with ӣ, the ӣ is changed to an и. Example:
Суруди миллии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон – The National Song of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Here is some info on National Unity Day – in English and in Tajik.


завод: factory

Падарам дар заводи нонпазӣ кор мекунад.
My father works in the bread factory.
Зани бобоям дар заводи мебелбарорӣ кор мекард.
My grandfather’s wife used to work in the furniture factory.

Завод is a Russian loan word.
Synonyms are корхона and фабрика (also a Russian loan word).


дуруст: right, true

Гапатон дуруст.
You’re right. (What you said is right.)
Ин шаҳодат дуруст аст.
This testimony is true.

Opposite of дуруст is нодуруст – wrong, false.
Дуруст is used in some compound words, e.g.
тандуруст: healthy
дурустрафтор: well-behaved

зиндагӣ кардан

зиндагӣ кардан: to live

Шумо дар куҷо зиндагӣ мекунед?
Where do you live?
Ӯ дар ҳавлие зиндагӣ мекард, ки боғчаи хубе дошт.
He lived in a (house with a) yard that had a nice little garden.

Synonyms: зистан, умр дидан
A little tip I learned recently. If you want to find out which of two words is more common just do a google search for them both and compare number of results. In this case I googled the same tense of these three verbs – “зиндагӣ карданд” 1460; “зистанд” 767; “умр диданд” 28.